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Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

The Federal Home Loan Bank of New York (FHLBNY), like all the other Federal Home Loan Banks, is governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of Member Directors (who consist of officers and directors of member institutions) and Independent Directors (who are not affiliated with member institutions). Member Directors are elected by the FHLBNY’s membership on a statewide basis; Independent Directors are elected by the FHLBNY’s membership on a districtwide basis. The FHLBNY also has a Housing Advisory Council, which reports annually to the Federal Housing Finance Agency on the FHLBNY’s low-income housing activities. The advisory council consists of members from community-based non-profit organizations to advise on the low-income housing needs of our district.

Corporate Governance Guidelines of the FHLBNY

The Board of Directors (Board) of the FHLBNY, acting on the recommendation of its Corporate Governance and External Affairs Committee, has adopted a set of guidelines in furtherance of its continuing efforts to enhance its corporate governance.

FHLBNY Board Committee Charters and Rosters

Key Contacts

Relationship Managers:
(212) 441-6700

Other Important FHLBNY Documents and Information