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Financial Intelligence

Creating a High Performing ALCO:
Making the Complex, Simple!

Presented by Frank Farone, Managing Director, Darling Consulting Group

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This is a strategically focused session that will provide a roadmap to create a highly efficient asset-liability management (ALM) process to guide effective strategy development to mitigate risk and ultimately, produce greater income and a higher ROA and ROE. Frank Farone will discuss ways to help enhance your asset-liability committee (ALCO) to lead your organization on the trajectory of success.

Highlights of this webinar include:  

  • Streamline the objectives of ALM – Less is More!; keep it simple and interesting.
  • Key Characteristics of High Performing ALCO’s
  • Liquidity and Interest-Rate Risk Measurement & Management including predictive analytics — Avoid analysis paralysis by focusing on the appropriate scenarios for today’s environment.
  • Capital management in today’s world; should you consider a paradigm shift?
  • Developing and documenting strategies — how to make decisions with conviction.
  • Incorporate ALM Policies which are designed to fit your institution’s specific business model while providing flexibility to manage risk.
  • Strategies for the current environment will be discussed throughout the session.

Watch Our Webinar

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