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Education Programs

In the spirit of the cooperative and our commitment to being your strategic partner, we offer Education Programs as part of membership. The FHLBNY values opportunities to share our knowledge on key topics with your leadership team and would be pleased to provide our insights through our tailored education programs at your office, ours or virtually. All educational topics are carefully curated to assist your team in achieving your business objectives.

Additionally, to accommodate meetings our members may wish to host offsite for their teams, our state-of-the-art meeting rooms at our corporate headquarters in New York City and our office in New Jersey are available to you to reserve. Navigate this page to learn more about the programs we offer and contact your Relationship Manager to schedule a tailored session today at (212) 441-6700.

Technical Education

Topics of Discussion

  • FHLBank Debt Issuance and Rate Environment
  • Benefits of the FHLBNY Membership and How to Leverage Available Resources
  • Asset Liability Management and Interest Rate Risk
  • Deposit Pricing and Marginal Cost of Funds
  • Asset Growth Lending Ideas, Deposit Tiering & Income Optimization Strategies
  • Balance Sheet Optimization
  • Regulatory Matters
  • Liquidity Management

Session and Workshop Examples

Strategic Financial Planning Workshops

Strategic Financial Planning Workshops, coordinated in partnership with financial consulting firms, are hands-on workshops that take a deep dive into strategies specific to your institution to help you gain and maintain sustainable earnings growth.

Funding Solutions Sessions

Funding Solutions sessions are frequently provided throughout the year in varying formats — one-on-one with a member or in a group setting either by District location and/or by membership sector. Your Relationship Manager builds the program based on your specific needs in conjunction with the FHLBNY’s leadership team. The program typically consists of a recap of the funding and operating environment, trends the FHLBNY is seeing across the industry and our cooperative, peer analysis of your membership sector, and how they are taking advantage of our products and services to help achieve their business goals. This program can also focus on a particular area or topic of interest — liquidity management, branch funding, the secondary market and generating mortgage loan growth, expanding housing and community growth opportunities, etc.

Typically, workshops are held at an offsite location that is convenient for your institution. A portion of applicable consultant fees may be passed on to you to develop your custom-tailored program.

Products, Services and Programs Education

Topics of Discussion

  • Advances
  • Letters of Credit/ Municipal Letters of Credit
  • Housing and Community Lending Programs
  • Secondary Market Outlets, including:
    – Mortgage Asset Program (MAP®)
  • The suite of Correspondent Services

Session and Workshop Examples

Municipality Education Meetings

Municipality Education meetings are held with members to help support business with their municipal customers. The FHLBNY will cover how the FHLBank System works, the potential advantages of the FHLBNY’s Municipal Letters of Credit to both the municipality and member, the importance of the product’s triple-A rating, and the mechanics of the issuance process.

Want more details on FHLBNY Advances available to you? Visit our Credit Products page.

Economic and Industry Education

Topics of Discussion

  • Perspectives from the FHLBNY’s Financial Economist, Macro and Micro Economic Analysis
  • Deposit Flight in a Rising Rate Environment
  • Housing, Banking and Overall Industry Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

Session and Workshop Examples

Economic and Industry Education programs are hosted by the FHLBNY’s own Financial Economist, Brian Jones. Economic briefings are tailored to the specific need of the member and may cover topics such as current and future business conditions, interest rates, and monetary policy prospects. These sessions can be conducted on-site at member offices or at our New York or New Jersey locations. Economic briefings may also be added as part of our members’ regular board meetings.

Member-Board Education

Topics of Discussion

  • FHLBank System Overview — earnings and financial highlights, including the FHLBank Debt Issuance Program and Washington update
  • FHLBNY Membership Highlights — benefits, trends, and understanding our unique partnership with local lenders
  • FHLBNY Products, Services, and Programs — credit product offerings and usage trends, Letters of Credit, secondary market outlets, and housing and community development lending
  • Strategic Planning — leveraging membership for liquidity planning, business growth and more

Session and Workshop Examples

Member-Board Education sessions are specifically created for our members’ board of directors and management team. These sessions can be added as an educational segment to your existing board meetings. Programming is custom-tailored to demonstrate how the FHLBNY can be leveraged to better serve the interests and the fiduciary needs of your customers and shareholders, ensuring that your institution is getting the most out of its membership in our cooperative

Meet some of Our FHLBNY Experts

Adam Goldstein is Senior Vice President, Chief Business Officer at the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York (FHLBNY). In this role, he leads the sales, marketing and research activities for all business lines. In addition, he manages the FHLBNY’s Mortgage Asset Program (MAP®). He joined the FHLBNY in June 1997 and has held a number of key positions in our Sales and Marketing areas. Adam sits on the FHLBNY’s Management Committee, Operations Committee, Credit Committee and Disclosure Committee. He created the Marketing Department and established and Chairs the Products, Services and Membership Committee where he is instrumental in improving the lending process and business innovation. In addition, he is responsible for the development and implementation of the corporate long-term Strategic Plan with an end-goal to add value to membership. He speaks at a variety of trade conventions as well as providing training for regulatory agencies and bond investors. He assists members in asset/liability management, liquidity and capital management, hedging interest rate risk, deposit pricing theory, and housing and economic development by providing them with liability structures to fund a variety of assets. Adam holds an MBA in Financial Marketing from Binghamton University. In addition, Adam has completed post-graduate program certifications at Columbia University for Business Excellence, at New York University for Management Practices, at Cornell University for Management Development and at The New York Institute of Finance for Finance. He is in the final stages of completing the Certificate of Management Excellence at Harvard University.

Brian M. Jones is a professional economist with over three decades of experience covering the U.S. economy and financial markets. He has worked with a variety of leading domestic and foreign financial institutions, including Societé Generale, Citibank, Salomon Smith Barney, Salomon Brothers, Lloyds Bank and Irving Trust Company. Throughout his career, Brian has supported all aspects of the Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities (FICC) businesses of his employers with regard to U.S. macroeconomic analysis and forecasting. Brian is now VP, Financial Economist, at the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York, and in this role he provides macroeconomic analysis and strategic insight that is utilized across our organization. Brian has been cited by MarketWatch as one of the “best in the business at forecasting the U.S. economy.” He is a 14-time winner of MarketWatch’s Forecaster of the Month award, most recently in August 2016. A native New Yorker, Brian received an A.B. in Economics from Columbia College and an M.B.A. in Finance from New York University.

Thomas R. Settino is Vice President and Director of Member Relations at the FHLBNY. He is responsible for managing a team of Relationship Managers who provide product support to banks and credit unions located throughout the FHLBNY district, which includes New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Tom has been with the FHLBNY since January 2011. Tom’s experience includes a long tenure working in the Banking Supervision Group at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Tom was also employed at the United States Trust Company of New York where he worked as VP of Treasury Services in charge of Cash Management and Asset/Liability Management. Tom earned his undergraduate degree from Manhattan College in New York City and also earned his MBA at Pace University in New York City.

Member Testimonials

“Apple Bank took advantage of the FHLBNY’s office to host our risk management team meeting. We are very appreciative for the support and generosity the FHLBNY showed our team. They provided a very insightful program, complete with economists and market practitioners, that improved the team’s understanding of liquidity management best practices and current financial events. The FHLBNY is a great resource for its member banks.” – Richard Leite, SEVP, Chief Risk Officer, Apple Bank, New York, NY

“We were very pleased that the President of the FHLBNY and their management team were present at the meeting, and that they treated our very small credit union ($15 million in assets) and our Board of Directors the same way as they treat any other financial institution. It was a great experience and we are very thankful.” – Mira Ness, President & CEO, NYU Federal Credit Union, New York, NY

“Tailor-made presentations from the FHLBNY staff have dramatically enhanced our strategic planning sessions. The information shared in a thought-provoking, interactive environment has created new initiatives that have maximized profits and contributed directly to the overall success of Fulton Savings Bank.” – Michael J. Pollock, President & CEO, Fulton Savings Bank, Fulton, NY

“Our Directors got a lot of benefit out of the FHLBNY’s presentation. The FHLBNY team did a very effective job of educating our Board on the FHLBank System, advance features and options, and the important part the FHLBNY can play in our liquidity and contingency funding planning. It was one of the best training sessions we’ve had for our Directors.” – David Hanrahan, Sr., President & CEO, Capital Bank of New Jersey, Vineland, NJ

Key Contacts

Relationship Managers:
(212) 441-6700

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